The inner-communication platform of a sales team is one of the largest considerations to their success or failure. Sales is normally seen as an individual sport - As a leader your job is to maximize individual performance while building a team environment.

In sales-solitude, the mind can do crazy things to the psyche of a sales person. The communication platform is necessary to provide encouragement, incentives, updates, and announcements – this is the sales reps lifeline to let them know they are not alone.

You need to develop an internal social network for your team. Leverage the natural effects of serotonin and dopamine, get scientific with this SH**!

The method and the frequency of your teams internal communication is a parallel the health of your sales organization. How are you doing?

Text, Email, iMessage, Slack, Skype, Groupme, WhatsApp, Messenger, the list goes on and on. There are hundreds of messaging applications available. The problem IS NOT the available technology, it’s the adoption to a single platform.

If you have more than one way to communicate as a team, you don’t have any. You need ONE platform that is available for all. The POSER communication platform allows reps to connect via geolocation, separate teams, or in private. Best of all, it’s 100% secure so your data isn’t shared with others (ever wonder why most messaging platforms are free?).

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Identify the ‘must have’s’ – What features will your team benefit from most? Are announcements and updates a challenge? Does your team operate in silo’s or cliques? How is competition between reps and teams, is it healthy?



Customize the UI (user interface) – Your team needs a tool that is simple and streamlined. Your POSER finds that most messaging platforms are too in depth and loaded with features. This may be useful for corporate teams who are used to exchanging emails, but it isn’t what independent sales reps need. POSER will design a UI that has ONLY the tools your team uses regularly.



Incentives for change – Regardless of how ‘awesome’ your new tool is, people need motivation to change and learn something new. You need your team to use this new tool ASAP and consistently to create a new habit. Your POSER will create and execute a gamification roll-out to ensure your team become early adopters.