Most people understand the concept of planning an event. As a leader of a sales organization, you need to perpetually plan and execute events. What is your daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual plan for incentives and events?

Humans predominantly live from one big event (holiday or season) to the next.

What is your sales team looking forward to? What's pushing them to the next level of production? If you don’t have new, fresh, exciting events and incentives that your team can rally towards, you will lose them mentally… and then physically.

Every contest needs to lead into the next. Each event should crescendo. Every piece of recognition needs to push to the next milestone.

*Truth bomb - nobody wants another keychain, koozie, USB drive or any other cheap Chinese trinket. The reason incentives work (when done right) and the only reason to plan contests, rewards, and incentives is to boost productivity and increase revenue to your bottom line.

Your POSER plans and develops incentives that will identify your KEY players (the ones who will die trying to win a candy bar). When you focus your time and attention on your ‘A’ players, you naturally develop a competitive culture.

Once you discover your ‘A’ players, you can reward them with amazing SWAG that they will show to others (like minded) and you will build a natural attraction for recruiting MORE A PLAYERS.

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Determine Scale – The size of your organization will play the biggest role in your planning. Your POSER will look at the seasonality of your offering and the natural weaknesses that affect your reps. Our goal is to develop a consistent schedule that your reps will look forward to.



Algorithm – What we focus on GROWS. Your POSER will help you create a unique recipe to measure all critical business metrics and gets your team thinking of success in the same way (volume, quality, size, etc.). This new SCORE is how we will measure contests and incentives each month.



The sizzle – Once we have a calendar built and consistency established, it’s time to PROMOTE. Like most things POSER does, promoting is not an event but an ongoing process that churns content at your team. ‘A’ players HATE TO LOSE. The way we promote and communicate each contest and the standings of each contest will be a HUGE indicator to see your most competitive players.